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  • I'm raging right now. Stupid laptop. Had to go to my parents' house to get on here to let y'all know.
    Oh, and for those of you who know I'm a girl and haven't gotten the hint...I'm engaged. Sorry if you don't like that. -_-
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    Reactions: GodOfGales
    We have a LOT of engaged and Married People on Herocraft for some reason... XD So no worries, at least 20 other people have had the same problem you are.
    If you think that's gunna stop anything your gunna be surprised
    I wouldn't be surprised, but they also better not be surprised if I snap at them for trying.
    Ah. The random bout of insomnia at around 4:30 am...right when you were supposed to FINALLY go to sleep and put down the 360 controller...
    Since you don't have Xbox live at the moment but your body decides, "Hey, I'm gonna be an arse and let insomnia take over~" ...lovely.
    I think my cat wants to help me play Minecraft. Everytime I go to a minecraft-related site, guess what feline is watching the screen. XD
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    Reactions: devotedworker
    :D Awesome! Now only if my pets did that... and only if my pets where not Fish... o_o
    My dog'll do it too sometimes. But never with any game but Minecraft. I dunno why. XD
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