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  • I'm back from a trip to the mountains, this one included tent, fishing rod, rain and wind.
    Sounds like it included a bit of being cold too? Or do you have lots of good gear to stay warm in?
    It was a bit cold, but we knew that the weather is changing fast in the mountains, so we brought enough clothes :)
    don't you think this pink name goes well with my profil picture? hahaha
    A black demon-looking guy with a pink colored name.
    Best combo ever.
    Well that's what you get for being on the Wiki Team, lol.
    I like reading numbers from Wiki, even though I suck at using them.
    A little birdy told me that you missed me. Well I am back to playing again and getting my level up. Joined a town called OuterRim, but it won't be for long.
    I'm gonna "yummy" the shit out of this forum (using the rating, if someone didn't get it). xD
    hey thor!, im part of your town camalot. I wanted to ask you somthing and I couldnt catch you online in the server so here it goes. Do you think its possible that I could get a plot of land in the city? or maybe an abandond house? iv been part of the town for about over a month and im an active player(every single day im on). could you please concider it? :D thanks:p
    I'm to too much in game atm cause of RL++,
    So if you do not meet etkenn in game, you can just take a plot/house witch says free. If the plot are outside may you rebuild the house if you want.

    We've probably not met ing yet, cause of our timezones and due to my RL. If you ever meet Ropsux, NamelessFreak or EtKEnn IG they can do about as much as me with town business :)
    I'm gone another week, vacation :/
    oh ok but i think i can speed it up with this suggestion. theres a house nexto xfrost that has no sign or name could i have it? if you dont want me to ill wait and ask ingame but i thought this would speed it up :D
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