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Recent content by mazzima

  1. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Lol, no, just checked on a few things he posted on his app and realized they were untrue. Sex had nothing to do with it....This time. xD
  2. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Upon further review, we have to decline your application due to the following reason: Lying on application. Thank you for your submission.
  3. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Hey Plob, just a few questions I need answered. Why did you leave Eclipse and Panorama? Thanks
  4. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Ya, I second this motion.
  5. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Hey, where you been man? I've started construction on Altum, starting to look real good. Need to know how the town hall is gonna look though :(
  6. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Talk to @Glent
  7. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    We need lots of supplies. Altumites, go get lots of wood, of all kinds. Also, bricks. We need lots of bricks. And stone bricks. ONWARD!
  8. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Cool, I can start working if you have screenies or something.
  9. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Really need the new city plans. *ahem* Slackers. *aheeem* =D
  10. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Accepted, looks good. Get with me, kekosawr or 0xThoth to get set up.
  11. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    A few things with your app I need explained: Why did you leave RaubTier Why did you leave Shin Kyoto How often will you be online within a 2 week span? Will you be able to notify us when you need to go inactive? Answer those and I'll get back with you =D Thanks for the application!
  12. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Tell us a little more about you, but other than that, accepted!
  13. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Good. Tell us a little more about yourself, once you have you will be accepted. =D
  14. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Have you been whitelisted to the server yet?
  15. M

    [First City] Altum [50+][Neutral]

    Both positions are would be beneficial to Altum, but ultimately you should pick what's good for you. If you want to raise livestock and fix up our farm, go farmer. If you'd like to do lifts and hidden switches, go mason. Pick what's good for you!