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Recent content by groundon121

  1. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    that sounds cool but why would people want to do that? the middle water layer is really only available to mayor sics bankers founders and i couple lucky citizens then the rest is town related buildings like banks and shops so if we have room, sure we could make one
  2. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    ok we have a park and im building the town hall as im writing this then the markets sound like a good idea like small rentable shops like in sanctum? thanks happy gaming
  3. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    new member list: 1. groundon121 2. sean7 3. andrewh69 4. daniels9 5. zippyzipzipster 6. maupletree 7. laxbro100 8. m00cow92 9. noob3756 10. sup4ify 11. xpeterc1 12. Linkkings 13. matfu2 14. xfighterx bridges are done as well!
  4. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    The towers are now finished! New member list 1. groundon121 2. sean7 3. andrewh69 4. daniels9 5. zippyzipzipster 6. maupletree 7. laxbro100 8. m00cow92 9. noob3756 10. sup4ify 11. xpeterc1 12. Linkkings We have also created a very nice station when you enter lumina that gives...
  5. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    Thanks we had that happen earlier we had 10 citizens then 4 went inactive we gained 4 more at the time but it was tight thanks for the advice another heads up: the bridge is done and looks amazing!
  6. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    ~ We continue to expand! I have 9000coins as of now and will be expanding but before i do that we need more people! We are about 6-7 people short of the required 20 so come on over and enjoy your free 15x15 plot! We still have a lot of room in our 150 block radius and will continue to build...
  7. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    We are now saving up for an expansion! We need 8000c and we have about 3000 at the moment. Our goal is around 10000 for supplies and materials to build with. We should accomplish this in about a week. Goals: We have a ridiculous amount of space so that is better for you guys! Although my...
  8. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    farm layer is now done! set up plots - some free and some for sale working on towers now and eventually the top layer SHOPS smith/farm/bank are all somewhat functional gaming night every Saturday at 8:00pm we will have games spleefing hide and seek fist fights races building...
  9. G

    heros - crafter

    on the test server my freind created shops. Even though they cost money, there was an unlimited supplies of material that the shop owner didnt supply. Come heroes, will this change? I hanvt been in the test server in a while so it might have changed
  10. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    thanks! we should be more or less completed with building by this weekend so feel free to come over. The next 5 people that join will get an a 15x15 plot free and some tools if anyone is interested. To do list: Finish Farm Layer/Farms Finish Ground Level Finish remaining 3 Towers...
  11. G

    [Town] Lumina [11] [Neutral] WIP

    Town Name: Lumina Town Chat: /CH LU Mayor: groundon121 Second in Command: Sean7 Bankers: groundon121, Sean7 Location of Town: -86, 2391 Members: 1. Sean7 2. Laxguy100 3. Daniels9 4. Maupletree 5. Andrewh69 6. Linkking 7. Woohs 8. Owenfitz2 9. Jthomas2b 10. MOOcow92 11...
  12. G

    Greifing - Howdanrocks

    We are starting a new town (not official yet) and Howdanrocks keeps not only stealing our stuff (which is understandable) but he is destroying blocks and lying about doing so. When live went back up out gate was destroyed. He claims he didn't do it when he was the only one here. Please ban...
  13. G

    Application - groundon121

    1. In-game name: groundon121 2. Location and Age: Cary NC 27519 - 25 years old 3. Previous bans: none 4. Referral: maupletree, sean7, Andrew69 5. Reason you should you be accepted: My friends have said this is a lot of fun and I would really like to join them. =) 6. Additional info: I'm...