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Balance Team App: Amir86


Legacy Supporter 2
Feb 25, 2013
1. Minecraft IGN / Age: Amir86/26
2. Position applying for: Balance Team
3. How long have you been on Herocraft?: 1 Month

4. What's your favorite class/path?: Have only tried Paladin so far because it fits my play style but willing and open to try all classes. They all hold the potential for fun. As far as paths goes, I have tried most of them, and they seem to hold much potential for enjoyment. However, I feel something is missing, something that may be small, that could really make the paths click for players. Engineer is my favorite at the moment.

5. How often and in what timezone can you test?: I can test on most days, about 2-3 hours during day, a little more at night. My time varies. Currently in PST zone.

6. What sets you apart from other members applying for this team?: I have a desire to see games, be it a modded game or vanilla, succeed in being it's best. Most games have that potential but fall short somewhere, somewhere that could take it from a $5 million game to a $25 million game or more. I am going to be attending college for game development courses over the years, when time and money permits. This has been a long burning desire from back when I beat my first video game ever, some 20 years ago.

7. Do you have any similar experience?: A little, in a game called Shadowbane, you had 90% control over your character creation; strength, stamina, mana, etc, to an extent. Meaning that you you had to choose the best options to add to your character's making. Kind of like how paths work in Herocraft but way harder consequences. If the player makes a not-so-great character, they have to deal with it. If it doesn't fit what their guild needs or individual play style, they had to pay a hefty fine in gold to fix it or completly erase the character and long hours of leveling they put in to it. It was all about a balance of classes for pvp.
Looking at it from a game dev perspective, I consider it luck and a mile stone to have come across such a game, and other games, who have influenced how I design games, on paper atm, for future use to one day make into reality.

8. Do you understand this team is for balancing current skills only?: I do.
9. Can you follow directions from a team lead, no matter what they ask?: Yes, with pleasure.

10. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I see Herocraft as a great success and fun..tons of players on constantly, however, I also see room for improvement and if given the opportunity I feel I could contribute to the cause.

Thank you for taking the time to read my app.
Yours truly, Amir.