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Search results

  1. goawaytaco

    Could someone tell me if my sign format is correct for sure?

    Thank you again! I didn't know what the trick for that was. :X
  2. goawaytaco

    Could someone tell me if my sign format is correct for sure?

    Thank you! Now you don't happen to have any tips on how to put a sign on a chest without first destroying the chest do you? I'm playing around with one of the little shops where all the chests are just stacked. I read online to put like dirt or something there and then the sign, then place the...
  3. goawaytaco

    Could someone tell me if my sign format is correct for sure?

    I checked on the wiki and I think I have the general jist, I just wanted to make sure before wasting too much time goofing around. So, first line being blank for my name to go.. (I'm trying to get rid of redstone so i'll use it here.) 10 (for quantity to sell at a time, right?) B 1 (here's...
  4. goawaytaco

    How do you deal with griefing on your house and farms?

    I whole heartedly support this idea. Right. They don't get much of a reaction out of me, I just report them. I usually just rant silently to myself. :P
  5. goawaytaco

    How do you deal with griefing on your house and farms?

    Thank you. You wouldn't happen to be willing to tell me how to lava or trap them would you? Or have a link to a guide? I'm new to the whole minecraft thing. I looked up a video for a lava trap but the components can't be made on our server. ): The only thing I can think of now is a trap door.
  6. goawaytaco

    How do you deal with griefing on your house and farms?

    For some special reason i've had asshats coming to my area destroying everything on a multiple-time-a-day basis. I do report. My house has been completely stripped and covered in cobblestone and dirt as of late. It seems that reporting griefing doesn't really do any good, no offense to whoever...
  7. goawaytaco

    ~*~ Sanctuary ~*~

    What is your in-game name (IGN): Goawaytaco How old are you: 23 What time zone do you live in: Mountain timezone (I'm in Alberta.) What do you like or prefer to do in MineCraft / HeroCraft: Right now I like mining. I'm working on becoming a merchant so I'm mining for things to sell + the souls...
  8. goawaytaco


    Thank yall!
  9. goawaytaco


    Thank you! I figured it was something like that. You wouldn't happen to know what profession could sell lapiz and/or redstone would you?