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Search results

  1. Corium

    Bug Mobs at night not spawning?

    I'd rather see Dungeon mobs have higher HP caps with lower numbers and WILDS mobs be more plentiful, but this would detract from grinding dungeon mobs.... unless with higher HP they gave higher XP?
  2. Corium

    Suggestion Fishing

    Going to take another page from my EQ history book.... What if Fishing gave a small percentage to fish up a treasure map to a chest ( Spawned when map is read ) that isn't available in /hunt?
  3. Corium

    Suggestion Actual constructive ideas on increasing PvP without decreasing server population

    If they hide, so be it... your town gets razed.
  4. Corium

    Suggestion Fishing

    As lovely as fishing is and I enjoy it in real life, the rewards of it are ten fold. Excitement, enjoyment, a meal, a trophy, money money, a good story. in HC, fishing only gives me 10xp. Now, I'm not going to argue real life vs a video game, but when fishing is apparently a viable way to...
  5. Corium

    Suggestion Class Tree Things Using T2 Classes

    Class trees are a wonderful idea, however a proper way to implement them would be more along the lines of....having a basic class of Warrior, Rogue, Wizard, and Cleric to signify the 4 basic archetypes of playstyle ( Face to Face- Melee/Range/Stealth- Magic- Support/healing) and then break those...
  6. Corium

    Suggestion Actual constructive ideas on increasing PvP without decreasing server population

    Ideas to increase PVE Playerbase: 1. Instead of Treasure hunts, throw down boss mobs with tons of HP that spawn, broadcast a message " A powerful entity as revealed itself on the Northern Planes," and have players, /huntboss to go hunt the boss mob for extra loot. 2. Contested Areas during...
  7. Corium

    Suggestion Mob HP: Increase distance to visually see

    Chiming in as a Melee class, It needs tuning to be visible at greater distances. Getting within bow shot of a skeleton( quick fire shots ) just to see that he's barely been scratched had led to many deaths. I'd recommend 10-15 blocks instead of 15-20, as I'd see issues with visibility when...
  8. Corium

    ~*~ Sanctuary ~*~

    What is your in-game name (IGN): C0rium How old are you: 28 What time zone do you live in: Central US What do you like or prefer to do in MineCraft / HeroCraft: Farming/Exporing How long have you played HeroCraft: Month or so Previous Maps you have played on: Sanc for a day, then Val...
  9. Corium

    Good Day-Intro

    Side note, name changed =P @Watermelon_01 I was originally confused on trying to find a setup guide for the mods, which I quickly found out the server doesn't have. I'd spent hours searching and then thought, " Hmmm Corium, why don't you just launch MC and join the server, maybe it'll tell you...