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  1. R

    Suggestion Smart XP display

    Prior Note This idea is designed to improve the experience for players, yet if implemented wouldn't at all force players to change the way they do things. If you really like the idea of part of this suggestion, but wouldn't use other parts, please still mention your interest, you won't be forced...
  2. R


    In Game Name(IGN): Randomman159 Age(must be 15+): 18 Minecraft Exp: 4 years Herocraft Exp: Was on this server for around a year a lil while back Spec or intended spec: Engineer (intended) and some type of rogue (intended) Current level: lvl 6 lost soul What do you like to do? (be honest...
  3. R

    Herocraft Olympics! Sunday July 10th!

    I think it would be cool if a place was set devoted to events, not using a town's Colosseum. Anyway, the whole idea sounds epic! (btw, with pistons out, you could make a connect four using just buttons, and a "restart" button to get it back to normal...) :D
  4. R

    not whitelisted?

    Is there anyone else who is suddenly not whitelisted? Was i banned or something? I havn't done anything wrong? Oh well. Anyone know something about this? Cheers, Randomman159
  5. R


    Yeah good idea :P So is this copied across at some stage?
  6. R


    Wasn't sure what to do, i am the new mayor of Chiton so need to be able to edit posts... So could this be moved across to the townships section? Town Name: Chriton Mayor: Randomman159 SiCs/Nobles: assasin01 Location: -2000x +69y +1200z Charter Signatures: 1. assasin01 2. andwey 3...
  7. R

    [Township] Chriton [21] [Neutral]

    What should i do? I am now Mayor but cannot edit this post./ Should i create a new topic?
  8. R

    A Robber's exploration in the towns of Herocraft

    Yeah, that is definitely still in development :D (The picture explains why we always ask for dirt in chat) Looks like you found my house mate ;)
  9. R

    any unwritten rules you're not sure about? just ask!

    Any Clarification on the two block to enter rule? My town, Chriton, has had some... "visitors" who in the past have destroyed blocks, such as iron doors, but "replaced" them by placing them in a random position... Sure, we honestly couldn't care less, its a joke... hahaha O.o ? Well...
  10. R

    Lava Dumping in Wilderness

    You don't seem to get it... It's illegal. and all that is going on here, is wanting justice. If other people have been banned for Boostn's lies. Then i think he should for other peoples truths.