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Recent content by Triptrippen

  1. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    Nah lol they are plenty strong as is.
  2. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    They'd stop running infront of your attacks real quick like, or not and you guys would do poorly in battle.
  3. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    Thats the point, we will soon have a casual server for you casuals. The casual aspects of this game ran me away the first time I started playing, but I see a pve server coming and there is a slight glimmer of hope for a better experience for us hardcore types.
  4. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    I love all the negative ratings I've gotten from this :) TNT
  5. Triptrippen

    Signature Test Thread

    Woohoo Kainzo I love your quote. And I think the first word of it , at the least applies to the gigantic sig above this post.
  6. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Sieging

    Once the PVE server comes in , we could think about having a siege mechanic.
  7. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    I know this is me. Deaf ears and all.
  8. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    Explain with more detail? I don't see how anything would need to be reworked. /quote The only difference would be that you dont blindly fire into allies, it affects melee and magi the same. And your right, less tactical people would think, "oh we have to pick a target and try to solo him and...
  9. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    Can't comment on a unreleased class, but the skills ingame so far have been demonstrated on other games with FF enabled, and it has worked out great in those. It brings a lot of depth to strategy, placement, situational awareness into play. I can understand if the goal of the game is to keep it...
  10. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    Explain with more detail? I don't see how anything would need to be reworked. Bard type abilities need to be reworked to only affect party members? But they are already like that correct?
  11. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    Theres too many ninja's because the skillset is OP lol.. just reading the skills anybody can tell its pretty ridiculously OP. And as I said before There's a lot of games with FF enabled with AOE classes, and its great. I can understand that due to a lack of experience with gaming that you'd...
  12. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    And if they don't aim them well they will hit their buddy instead tho right? I guess I can't expect minecraft players to have any sense of competitiveness, lets just leave the server as a gankfest on the random people who join the server and get camped for 8 hours straight by some losers with...
  13. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    I see far too often , in my opinion, groups of people that apparently do nothing but hunt lost souls and/or solo people. This doesn't seem conducive to a fun atmosphere, and helps bring balance in I think.
  14. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    Its a suggestion about making the game more about skillfully organizing a party, rather than just inviting everybody and spam attacking all over the place. Helps more skillful people defeat larger numbers of people.
  15. Triptrippen

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    People don't seem to be comprehending that this is a suggestion. In other games with FF enabled, the aoe classes do just fine btw.