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Recent content by Don1819

  1. D

    Bug sword name bug and block breaking bug

    Yesterday i had to leave in the middle of the deathmatch. When i came back today my named diamond sword enchanted with knockback I and looting I had lost its name. Also i when i started i could only break certain blocks i couldn't break dirt, stone of any kind, and iron bars, but i could break...
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    [Hamlet] The Vigil [Lawful Good]

    Your Minecraft IGN: don1819 Age:15 Past towns: belegost (friend's left) , and newerth (too big couldn't get help) What do you want to contribute: id like to help the town defend, sell potions, and misc alchemy stuffz What do you expect from the town: protection, and friendship Alignment: Good...
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    [Capital] Newerth [233] (v4.0) (OS) [Neutral] [Awesome] [**Recruiting**]

    I applied a long time ago a really never got around to joining i got busy with life and stuff so I am going to repost my app. In-game Name: don1819 Why do you wish to join Newerth?: seeking protection just left a town due to change of management How did you hear about Newerth?: on the forums How...
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    [Capital] Newerth [233] (v4.0) (OS) [Neutral] [Awesome] [**Recruiting**]

    In-game Name: don1819 Why do you wish to join Newerth?: seeking protection just left a town due to change of management How did you hear about Newerth?: on the forums How long have you been on the server?: since the first season What Class and Profession are you or plan to become?: im currently...
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    [Hamlet] Belegost [62] [Neutral]

    IGN: My in game name is don1819 Age/Timezone: My age is 16, and my time zone is UTC -5. Referals: Warlordrules What other towns were you in/why did you leave them: I was in no other towns. Why do you wish to join Belegost: My friend warlordrules in there and rouges aren't the best working...
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    Don1819's whitelist application

    Minecraft In-game name: don1819 Location & Age:Indiana 16 Previous Bans from other Servers (If Yes, explain where/when):yes bastion server we had a bit of a bad mod/admin and he even blew up the whole world Referral(s): warlordrules How did you hear about Herocraft?: i played a long time ago and...
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    Don1819's Application

    i understand i just think waiting this long is not right when the ppl below me get approval in short time
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    Don1819's Application

    ok this is somewhat absurd you ask not to contact you guys about this yet you don't take the time to do it
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    Don1819's Application

    well? am i accepted not to bug you or anything but i have none thing to do also it was about 1 year and 5 months ago that this happened im sorry i forgot about it
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    Don1819's Application

    he was a bad admin he nuked our last world and he banned me because he thought i greifed but it wasnt our factions were at war
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    Don1819's Application

    i was banned? were was it i must have forgot about it
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    Don1819's Application

    1.Minecraft In-game name: Don1819 2.Location & Age: Indiana & 16 3.Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none 4.Referral(s): none 5.How did you hear about Herocraft?: your plugin i am big fan of 6.Have you voted for Herocraft?:yes i have 7.Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes I have...