- Minecraft IGN: mikehk.
- Position applying for: Guide.
- Age|Timezone: 16. US pacific
- How long have you been on Herocraft?: Since late August 2012
- Why do you think you would make a good guide?: I am usually on during a time where there are usually no other guides on, and i think i could help fill a small gap. I've been on this server long enough to know the rules, and have often found myself helping other new heroes ease into the land of Haven and Bastion. I will always answer questions from new heroes in tour chat and help chat to the best of my extent.
- Additional info you would like to tell us?: I have wanted to be a guide for awhile now, as can be seen by the date of the original post, I am usually calm and understanding (maybe a little joke here and there) with newbs as I still remember my first few days on herocraft. I do enjoy this server, and I'm hoping that this might be considered.
EDIT: completely redone.
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