- Minecraft IGN:Falker57
- Position applying for: Proctor
- Age|Timezone:14 Eastern
- How long have you been on Herocraft?: It should be nearing 1 year pretty soon . Actually I was white-listed in october.
- Why do you think you would make a good proctor?:
1. I will make sure they have a clear understanding of this servers intentions and genre. (HARDCORE)
2. I will check they're background thoroughly. I will question any suspicious ban where the player is being accused of any sort of rules this server also has.
3. I will make sure the applicant has read the rules and TOS.
4. They will have to be at least 13 years old.
5. They have the correct format and have decent spelling.
I really would LOVE to be a Proctor. I want to help the server. I felt kinda bad since I was playing, having all this fun and contributing nothing
- 6. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I am FULLY aware that I am 14. I just want to get a head start on whitelisting and I felt that since I have prior experience and try to have a 15 year old mentality and maturity that I should try to make a good application and if I do get denied for that reason alone then I will just wait a year until I do fit that requirement.